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The Power of Connection: Enhancing Mental Health Treatment with Group Therapy Treatment

The Power of Connection, Enhancing Mental Health Treatment with Group Therapy Treatment

Join Hanna Smith, LMHC on a journey to excellent group therapy facilitation. This 6CEU course will equip the modern-day group practitioner with the tools to create thriving & dynamic groups.

Participants will learn how to:
1. List and explain core principles of popular modern theories, methods, and approaches in group psychotherapy, such as Modern Psychoanalytic, Systems-Centered Therapy, Expressive, and Cognitive-based models.
2. Apply neuroscience understanding of human attunement, polyvagal theory, interpersonal neurobiology, and the whole-person approach to the practice of group therapy
3. Learn the steps to create, conduct, and evaluate thriving groups that target the particular needs of your clients – including virtual modalities!
4. Recognize various stages of group development, your own strengths as group leader, and the initial agreement and termination needs of group members
5. Identify and use transference, counter-transference, immediacy, bridging, reciprocity, and other group-related experiences to increase group connections and build intimacy.
6. Demonstrate new skills in addressing microaggression, resistance, and other threats to vertical and horizontal group cohesion.

There are 30 spots available in total. Get yours today!

Click here to for more information, or to register.

The Power of Connection: Enhancing Mental Health Treatment with Group Therapy Treatment Don't Miss this Event!

Date & Time October 7, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 4:30 pm PDT

Cost $155

Venue Online: Zoom

Event Host

Event Organizer(s) Cascadia Training

The Power of Connection: Enhancing Mental Health Treatment with Group Therapy Treatment