I entered the clinical field of psychotherapy from a background in experiential education and adventure therapy in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. After receiving my MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from Syracuse University, New York, in 1999, I worked as a therapist and advocate for survivors of sexual trauma for four years at the Syracuse Rape Crisis Center. I restored from this demanding work by competing internationally as a professional road cyclist alongside Olympians on the World Cup Circuit–one of the most invigorating experiences of my life. The two jobs complemented each other remarkably well. Work hard and restore hard was my motto!
In 2003, I moved to Spokane from Syracuse, NY, with my spouse, who is a philosophy professor at Gonzaga University. (Go Zags!) While building my private practice, I consulted with the GU Administration on developing their sexual assault response policy and taught a senior seminar to GU Psychology majors for several years, introducing them to the field of family systems therapy.
I was unexpectedly introduced to IFS and its founder, Dr. Richard Schwartz, in 2008. Following that workshop, my foundation for the Model was built working individually with Dick for a year. After years of intensive training, supervision and clinical practice, I became a Certified IFS Therapist in 2010. I continue to consult with Dick regularly and have maintained therapy and supervision with two IFS Lead Trainers for over twelve years.
I’m passionate about teaching IFS and supporting clinicians doing their own work so they can be more Self led, effective and energized. I lead IFS consultation and process groups for healing professionals around the world. I assist at IFS Trainings and lead IFS workshops.