Racial Battle Fatigue
Mike Johnson
Colette Ellis
Hi, I’m Coach Colette!
As a Black woman, I know first-hand the challenges of dealing with the impacts of microaggressions, racism, and other forms of discrimination. I also am keenly aware of the under-representation in many industries, which leads to the “only” syndrome.
I’ve been working in the personal development and wellness industry for 15 years. By training, I’m a certified stress management coach and practitioner of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT-Tapping). I’m also certified in Mental Health First Aid by the National Council for Behavioral Health and trained in Trauma-Informed Care principles by NYS OASAS.
To guide you on your path to wellness and freedom from oppression, I offer virtual sessions focused on healing, resilience, and self-care.
I’ve set an intention to #DisruptStrong; in particular, to disrupt the myth of the “Strong Black Woman,” who is supposed to be strong for everyone but herself. Instead, I believe that being strong is based on your personal journey to greater self-awareness. It’s also based on your willingness to be vulnerable and seek out support — which you are doing right now!
My goal is to create a safe space for you to have honest, healing conversations. I will support you to feel a sense of worthiness, to know that your dreams, your health, and your life matters.